That's what Miss Hargreaves said, and that's what I wished I could say to Frank Baker.
So, Miss Hargreaves, she's the type I'd call dragon woman. Luckily I've met only one or two of this species, although deep in my heart I have secret aspiration to grow into one. I don't think I'll ever reach that goal though. Because these type of woman, well, they're cool, they're invincible, they're strong, they're fun to be with if you're their friend, nobody should mess around with them and deep inside they have golden heart; though you'd have to dig deep with strongest implement and maybe some explosive material to get to it.
And this one, she's born from the figment of imagination. Born from the spur of the moment type of imagination; striding strong and determined to conquer the real world. Despite the whole mess of problem she caused, Norman ,the creator, couldn't really let her go nor could he help being proud of her. So the story continuous with the dynamic of creation and creator, energy shifting, control given and taken away until the last heartbreaking moment.
To wrap it up, it even have great ending. Where it stays true to Norman's mental turmoil and the key moment came about with the help of his friend. I wanted to clap my hand reading it. Yes, this is how it should be. Just because Norman's the main protagonist, doesn't mean he'd have to be the superman at the end. I'm glad that Frank Baker didn't make him one. So glad I can forgive his giving an easy way out on the romance side of it.
Once I finished reading it, I couldn't help wishing to read the other book with character born from imagination, Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi. So I did.